Technical Brief Index
Title | Category | Description |
Technical Brief 24-08 Transfer Control Statement & Certification Support Statement Project Rollout (TCS/CSS) | Technical Resources | Transfer Control Statement/Certification Support Statement Project Rollout (TCS/CSS) |
Technical Brief 24-07 Certification document management for AP E-cert | Technical Resources | Certification document management for AP E-cert clarification |
Technical Brief 24-06 Country Eligibility for EU Templates | Technical Resources | Country Eligibility for EU templates |
Technical Brief 24-05 Notice regarding movement authority approval process | Technical Resources | Notice Regarding Movement Authority Approval Process (Biosecurity)? |
Technical Brief 24-04 Industry Agreed STEC Procedures | Technical Resources | This document summarises the STEC sampling requirements for raw ground beef components and primal/ subprimal products intended for export to the US. |
Technical Brief 24-04 Technical Brief 24-04 Top 7 STEC Prevalence in Beef Produced from Adult Cattle and Updated I...s | Technical Resources | Top 7 STEC Prevalence in Beef Produced from Adult Cattle and Updated Industry Agreed shigatoxin producing E. coli (STEC) Procedures |
Technical Brief 24-03 Approving Operating Manual (Biosecurity) | Technical Resources | Approving Operating Manual (Biosecurity) |
Technical Brief 24-02 Updated Specialist Disposition Form Container Failures | Technical Resources | The purpose of this technical brief is to provide templates for process failures for: generic, residue risk, containers, and chillers |
Technical Brief 23-06 Operator HACCP Reassessment Report Template | Technical Resources | This Technical Brief provides a template for HACCP Reassessment Reports |
Technical Brief 23-05 Notice Regarding Movement Authority Approval Process (Biosecurity)? | Technical Resources | Changes to bovine tuberculosis suspect sampling requirements in cattle |
Technical Brief 23-04 Triple O philosophy in establishments – interim guidance for PBV reporting | Technical Resources | Triple O philosophy in establishments – interim guidance for PBV reporting |
Technical Brief 23-03 US faecal ingesta point-of-entry rejections establishment ATM task | Technical Resources | US faecal ingesta point-of-entry rejections establishment ATM task, including clarification |
Technical Brief 23-01 Change to Units for Performance Criteria & Introducing the PHI Toolbox | Technical Resources | Change to Units for Performance Criteria & Introducing the PHI Toolbox |
Technical Brief 22-06 US faecal/ingesta point-of-entry rejections | Technical Resources | Notification of ATM specified task scheduled for first quarter of 2023 to verify operator control of faecal contamination. |
Technical Brief 22-05 Updated Specialist Disposition Form | Technical Resources | Updated Specialist Disposition Form for Container Failures |
Technical Brief 22-04 Updated Specialist Disposition Form | Technical Resources | Updated Specialist Disposition Form for water, residue risk, chillers, containers, and process failure - suspect cysticercus bovis |
Technical Brief 22-03 Damaged cartons | Technical Resources | Clarification on the management of damaged meat and meat products with respect to labelling, carton seal application, and certification processes that may apply depending on the extent of packaging damage (including whether product has been exposed or not), and the premises performing the repacking or reworking process. |
Technical Brief 22-02 Specialist Disposition Form | Technical Resources | Updated Specialist Disposition Form for process failures - generic template |
Technical Brief 21-03 Updated HACCP Resources– Response to MPI Systems Audit Team (SAT) Audit Report December 2021 | Technical Resources | Updated HACCP Resources– Response to MPI Systems Audit Team (SAT) Audit Report December 2021 |
Technical Brief 21-01 Bee Products Export Verification Frequency Change | Technical Resources | Bee Products Export Verification Frequency Change |
Technical Brief 20-04 Generic approval notification: Hand sanitise | Technical Resources | Hand sanitiser generic approval |
Technical Brief 19-13 Clarification of China Requirements | Technical Resources | Clarification of China Requirements |
Technical Brief 19-12 China Pet Food Requirements | Technical Resources | China Pet Food Requirements |
Technical Brief 19-11 China Pet Food | Technical Resources | China Pet Food |
Technical Brief 19-10 Update on Specifications for Products Intended for Human Consumption | Technical Resources | Update on Specifications for Products Intended for Human Consumption |
Technical Brief 19-09 Market Eligibility in Relation to TB Status | Technical Resources | Tech Brief Market Eligibility in Relation to TB Status |
Technical Brief 19-07 STEC product disposition | Technical Resources | Updated Industry Agreed shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC) Procedures |
Technical Brief 19-02 TB China Pet Food CANCELLED | Technical Resources | China Pet Food Requirements |
Technical Brief19-01 Tech brief CANCELLED | Technical Resources | Red Meat Code of Practice Chapter 5 – National Performance Criteria (NPC) breaches, Post Mortem Inspection and Notification Procedures for Cysticercus bovis/Taenia saginata, Requirements for Animals Moved Outside an RMP Boundary, China Pet Food Requirements |
Technical Brief 18-05 Update of US Meat Listing Categories | Technical Resources | Update of US Meat Listing Categories |
Technical Brief 17-06 CUSUM records | Technical Resources | Defect data collection and actions following POE rejections for US listed meat establishment |
Technical Brief 17-05 Separation between halal and haram product during storage at independent stores, blast freezing and transition areas | Technical Resources | Separation between halal and haram product during storage at independent stores, blast freezing and transition areas |
Technical Brief 17-04 Red Meat Code of Practice Chapter 5 | Technical Resources | Red Meat Code of Practice Chapter 5 |
Technical Brief 17-02 Halal clarifications in relation to the General Export Requirements for Halal Animal Material and Halal Animal Products | Technical Resources | Halal clarifications in relation to the General Export Requirements for Halal Animal Material and Halal Animal Products |
Technical Brief 17-02 Update Halal clarifications in relation to the General Export Requirements | Technical Resources | Halal clarifications in relation to the General Export Requirements for Halal Animal Material and Halal Animal Products |
Technical Brief 17-01 Container Seal Verification for Product Exported to Russia - Seafood | Technical Resources | Container Seal Verification for Product Exported to Russia - Seafood |
Technical Brief 17-03 HGP | Technical Resources | Re-issue of the Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme for Hormonal Growth Promotants: Scanning of barcoded tags |
Technical Brief 16-11 Korea OMAR | Technical Resources | Certification for Specified Product to Korea |
Technical Brief 16-10 Potable Water | Technical Resources | Potable Water |
Technical Brief 16-09 China OMAR | Technical Resources | China OMAR 2.4 Prohibitions and Restrictions (9) |
Technical Brief 16-07 Bobby Calves With No Identifier Tags | Technical Resources | Bobby Calves With No Identifier Tags |
Technical Brief 16-06 Issue of NMD Specifications 2016 | Technical Resources | Issue of NMD Specifications 2016 |
Technical Brief 16-05 Re-issue of the Animal Products RCS: Hormonal Growth Promotants: Scanning of barcoded tags | Technical Resources | Re-issue of the Animal Products RCS: Hormonal Growth Promotants: Scanning of barcoded tags |
Technical Brief 16-04 STEC Confirmation Reporting and Product Disposition Procedures – Bobby Veal | Technical Resources | STEC Confirmation Reporting and Product Disposition Procedures – Bobby Veal |
Technical Brief 16-03 Regulatory testing and use of Recognised Laboratories | Technical Resources | Regulatory testing and use of Recognised Laboratories |
Technical Brief 16-02 Draft Animal Products Industry Guidelines for Risk Organism Preparedness and Response | Technical Resources | Draft Animal Products Industry Guidelines for Risk Organism Preparedness and Response |
Technical Brief 16-02 Draft Animal Products Industry Guidelines for Risk Organism Preparedness and Response | Technical Resources | Draft Animal Products Industry Guidelines for Risk Organism Preparedness and Response |
Technical Brief 16-01 Skills Maintenance Programme for Company Post-Mortem Inspectors and Detain Rail Activity Personnel | Technical Resources | Skills Maintenance Programme for Company Post-Mortem Inspectors and Detain Rail Activity Personnel |
Technical Brief 15-07 Transportation timeframes | Technical Resources | Transportation timeframes |
Technical Brief 15-07 China Tripe FAQs | Technical Resources | OMAR 13/7: China: Process Hygiene Requirement for Processing Edible Tripe Products – Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 15-05 HGP Notice ear tag scanning | Technical Resources | HGP Notice ear tag scanning |
Technical Brief 15-09 Rendering sterilisation factors | Technical Resources | Review of rendering sterilisation factors |
Technical Brief 15-02 Updated HACCO FAQs | Technical Resources | Updated HACCP Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 15-02 US HACCP FAQs | Technical Resources | US HACCP FAQs |
Technical Brief 15 03 stock washing | Technical Resources | Washing of livestock at commercial slaughter premises |
Technical Brief 15-09 Consumer Ready Cuts (CRC) Imported Pork – Packaging Requirements Clarification | Technical Resources | Consumer Ready Cuts (CRC) Imported Pork – Packaging Requirements Clarification |
Technical Brief 15-08 Re-issue of the Animal Products RCS: Hormonal Growth Promotants: Scanning of barcoded tags | Technical Resources | Re-issue of the Animal Products RCS: Hormonal Growth Promotants: Scanning of barcoded tags |
Technical Brief 15-06 STEC Sample and Moving Window | Technical Resources | STEC Sample and Moving Window |
Technical Brief 14-015 Glueboards prohibition information for inspectors | Technical Resources | Glueboard Prohibition |
Technical Brief 14-015 Glueboards prohibition - information for inspectors verifiers | Technical Resources | Glueboards prohibition - information for inspectors verifiers |
Technical Brief 14-013 Repairs and Maintenance: Meat Export Establishments | Technical Resources | Repairs and Maintenance: Meat Export Establishments |
Technical Brief 14-012 Export to Custom Free Zones in Egypt (e.g. Amriya Free Zone) | Technical Resources | Export to Custom Free Zones in Egypt (e.g. Amriya Free Zone) |
Technical Brief 14-011 Decontamination/Sterilisation of Materials & Waste Disposal Requirements for Containment and Transitional Facilities | Technical Resources | Decontamination/Sterilisation of Materials & Waste Disposal Requirements for Containment and Transitional Facilities |
Technical Brief 14-010 Attachement- Guidance - STEC Control in Bobby Calf Processing | Technical Resources | Guide for Control of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Bobby Calf Processing |
Technical Brief 14-010 Guide for Control of Shiga Toxin | Technical Resources | Guide for Control of Shiga Toxin |
Technical Brief 14-009 Customs Union, Seafood | Technical Resources | Customs Union, Seafood |
Technical Brief 14-009 Attachment - China FAQ- 25 July 2014 | Technical Resources | China FAQ clarifications for recently issued OMAR notifications |
Technical Brief 14-008 Landing Areas on Limited Processing Fishing Vessels | Technical Resources | Landing Areas on Limited Processing Fishing Vessels |
Technical Brief 14-007 US Meat Certification E-cert Template | Technical Resources | US Meat Certification E-cert Template |
Technical Brief 14-006 Implementation of OMAR notification | Technical Resources | Implementation of OMAR notification 14/013 China: Meat labelling requirements and 14/014 China: Meat certification requirements |
Technical Brief 14-006 - Attachment -China FAQs- Version 4 | Technical Resources | China FAQ clarifications for recently issued OMAR notifications |
Technical Brief 14-005 AP E-cert Phase 2 Implementation | Technical Resources | P E-cert Phase 2 Implementation |
Technical Brief 14-005 Attachment | Technical Resources | Attachment |
Technical Brief 14-004 Tuberculosis Management | Technical Resources | Tuberculosis Management |
Technical Brief 14-003 AP E-cert | Technical Resources | AP E-cert |
Technical Brief 14-002 Carton Sealing Requirements for EU Eligible Meat | Technical Resources | Carton Sealing Requirements for EU Eligible Meat |
Technical Brief 14-001 | Technical Resources | Technical Brief 2014/001 |
Technical Brief 14-13 MPI-SDG Agreed Protocol | Technical Resources | MPI and MIA Strategic Directions Group Agreed Protocol for Repairs and Maintenance of Establishments 14/08/2014 |
Technical Brief 14-013 Attachment Generic R and M Programme | Technical Resources | Attachment Generic R and M Programme |
Technical Brief 13-011 China Exports | Technical Resources | China: Export of Meat and Meat Products - Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 13-02 MPI name change implementation | Technical Resources | MPI name change implementation |
Technical Brief 13-01 MPI name change ordering of carton seals | Technical Resources | MPI name change- ordering of carton seals |
Technical Brief 13-17 Vells Table | Technical Resources | Revised Requirements for Collection and Certification of Vells and Rennet for export |
Technical Brief 13-16 Attachment Updated Procedures STECs | Technical Resources | Attachment Updated Procedures STECs |
Technical Brief 13-07 Update on China certification | Technical Resources | Update on China certification |
Technical Brief 13-016 Export of Meat and Meat Products to China | Technical Resources | Export of Meat and Meat Products to China |
Technical Brief 13-016 Attachment China FAQs | Technical Resources | China FAQ clarifications for recently issued OMAR notifications |
Technical Brief 13-014 Export of Caprine (Goat) to USA | Technical Resources | Export of Caprine (Goat) to USA |
Technical Brief 13-013 Product labelling, Official Assurance Programme | Technical Resources | Product labelling, Official Assurance Programme |
Technical Brief 13--013 BPQ Technical Brief | Technical Resources | Buparavaquone Emergency Control Scheme – Clarifications |
Technical Brief 13-012 Attachment BPQ ECS 2013 | Technical Resources | Animal Products (Emergency Control Scheme – Buparvaquone) Order 2013 |
Technical Brief 13-009-China Meat releasing consignments | Technical Resources | China meat- releasing consignments |
Technical Brief 13-008 Industry Guidelines for the Indian Overseas Market Access Requirements | Technical Resources | Industry Guidelines for the Indian Overseas Market Access Requirements |
Technical Brief 13-008 -Industry Guidelines | Technical Resources | Industry Guidelines |
Technical Brief 13-008 -FAQs | Technical Resources | Industry Guidelines for the Indian Overseas Market Access Requirements |
Technical Brief 13-006 Product labelling, Official Assurance Program | Technical Resources | Industry Guidelines for the Indian Overseas Market Access Requirements |
Technical Brief 13-005 Implementation of India OMAR FAQs | Technical Resources | Industry Guidelines for the Indian Overseas Market Access Requirements |
Technical Brief 13-005 FAQs India OMAR12-13 | Technical Resources | OMAR 12/13: India: Sheep and Goat meat certification and Requirements for Primary processors processing sheep and goat meat for Export to any Market |
Technical Brief 13-004 -mkt update -faecal contam | Technical Resources | mkt update -faecal contam |
Technical Brief 13-003 -Animal Status Decls | Technical Resources | Implementation of the 2012 Animal Status Declaration |
Technical Brief 12-16 US Faecal Contamination Control | Technical Resources | US Faecal Contamination Control |
Technical Brief 12-15 Ministry for Primary Industries Name Change | Technical Resources | Ministry for Primary Industries Name Change |
Technical Brief 12-14 Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements | Technical Resources | Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements |
Technical Brief 12-14 -FAQs Malaysia Meat Clarifications Nov12 | Technical Resources | FAQs Malaysia Meat Clarifications Nov12 |
Technical Brief 12-13 US Faecal Contamination Control | Technical Resources | US Faecal Contamination Control |
Technical Brief 12-13 -Attachment US Faecal Contamination Control FAQs | Technical Resources | Attachment US Faecal Contamination Control FAQs |
Technical Brief 12-12 US Faecal Contamination Control | Technical Resources | US Faecal Contamination Control |
Technical Brief 12-11 US OMAR STEC Sampling Programme | Technical Resources | US OMAR STEC Sampling Programme |
Technical Brief 12-11 Attachment-Updated Procedures | Technical Resources | Attachment-Updated Procedures |
Technical Brief 12-10 Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements | Technical Resources | Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements |
Technical Brief 12-10 Attachment -FAQ Malaysia Meat Clarifications | Technical Resources | Attachment -FAQ Malaysia Meat Clarifications |
Technical Brief 12-09 Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Sanitary and Halal Assurances | Technical Resources | Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Sanitary and Halal Assurances |
Technical Brief 12-09 Attachment -Frequently Asked Questions 17 July 2012 | Technical Resources | Attachment -Frequently Asked Questions 17 July 2012 |
Technical Brief 12-08 Animal Products Notice 2012 & NAIT | Technical Resources | Animal Products Notice 2012 & NAIT |
Technical Brief 12-08 Attachment | Technical Resources | Attachment |
Technical Brief 12-06 Collection and Processing of Vells and Rennet for Export | Technical Resources | Collection and Processing of Vells and Rennet for Export |
Technical Brief 12-06 Attachment | Technical Resources | Attachment |
Technical Brief 12-05 Updated TCD requirements for the US OMAR STEC sampling programme | Technical Resources | Updated TCD requirements for the US OMAR STEC sampling programme |
Technical Brief 12-05 Attachment Procedure- 7 STECs_3 | Technical Resources | Attachment Procedure- 7 STECs_3 |
Technical Brief 12-04 EU Bee Products – Certification Requirements | Technical Resources | EU Bee Products – Certification Requirements |
Technical Brief 12-03 Animal Status Declaration | Technical Resources | Animal Status Declaration |
Technical Brief 12-02 Updated Salmonella Guidance Material | Technical Resources | Updated Salmonella Guidance Material |
Technical Brief 12-01 EU Shellfish Harvest Information | Technical Resources | EU Shellfish Harvest Information |
Technical Brief 11-12 EU Shellfish Harvest Information | Technical Resources | Russian OMAR Listing Requirements |
Technical Brief 11-11 EU Shellfish Harvest Information | Technical Resources | EU Shellfish Harvest Information – Certification Requirements |
Technical Brief 11-10 Updated Requirements for Hormonal Growth Promotants | Technical Resources | Updated Requirements for Hormonal Growth Promotants |
Technical Brief 11-09 Reminder for NMD | Technical Resources | Reminder for NMD |
Technical Brief 11-08 USA shipping marks – use of stickers | Technical Resources | USA shipping marks – use of stickers |
Technical Brief 11-07 Humane Slaughter – Quality Assurance Programme | Technical Resources | Humane Slaughter – Quality Assurance Programme |
Technical Brief 11-05 E. coli O157:H7 Meat Monitoring Programme | Technical Resources | E. coli O157:H7 Meat Monitoring Programme |
Technical Brief 11-04 OMAR Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements | Technical Resources | OMAR Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements |
Technical Brief 11-03 Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements FAQs | Technical Resources | Malaysia: Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements FAQs |
Technical Brief 11-02 NMD Noticev | Technical Resources | Lebanon OMAR – Meat and meat products for export to Lebanon |
Technical Brief 11-01 Generic Salmonella checklist | Technical Resources | Generic Salmonella checklist |
Technical Brief 11-01 Updated | Technical Resources | Updated |
Technical Brief 11-06 China Fishmeal Implementation Plan | Technical Resources | China Fishmeal Implementation Plan |
Technical Brief 11-06 China fishmeal FAQs 11-07-11 | Technical Resources | OMAR 11/013: China Fishmeal Products – Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 11-05 -O157 policy April | Technical Resources | MAF (Standards) Policy Relating to the Detection of E. coli O157:H7 in Mea |
Technical Brief 11-05 -O157 product disposition other markets and FAOs | Technical Resources | Industry Agreed Procedures for Management and Disposition of Product that has Industry Agreed Procedures for Management and Disposition of Product that has |
Technical Brief 11-04 China Tripe FAQs -Update May 11 | Technical Resources | OMAR 09/035: China: Export of Edible Tripe Products – Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 11-03 FAQ Malaysia OMAR Clarifications | Technical Resources | Malaysia Meat and Meat Products |
Technical Brief 11-01 Generic Salmonella investigation draft checklist | Technical Resources | Guidance material and checklists for Operators for positive NMD Salmonella detections. |
Technical Brief 10-04 Listeria Monitoring Programme | Technical Resources | Listeria Monitoring Programme |
Technical Brief 10-03 | Technical Resources | Technical Brief 10-03 |
Technical Brief 10-02 Use of Animal Status Declarations | Technical Resources | Use of Animal Status Declarations |
Technical Brief 10-01 Aprons and Gear Cleaning Prior to Rest Breaks at Meat Slaughterhouses | Technical Resources | Aprons and Gear Cleaning Prior to Rest Breaks at Meat Slaughterhouses |
Technical Brief 10-09 -US HACCP FAQs | Technical Resources | USA OMAR, Meat and Ratite Products |
Technical Brief 10-09 -RMP-haccp-hazard-id-compliance-checklist-meat | Technical Resources | RMP / HACCP Plan / hazard ID |
Technical Brief 10-08 Resource_1_Guidance Material for PHI_April 2010_ | Technical Resources | Guidance Material for Use of Customised Process Hygiene Index (PHI) Criteria |
Technical Brief 10-05 Troubleshooting_-_HGP_false_positives | Technical Resources | Troubleshooting – HGP false positives |
Technical Brief 10-03 China_Tripe_FAQs | Technical Resources | OMAR 09/035: China: Export of Edible Tripe Products – Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 10-01-Appendix 2 Examples of unacceptable aprons | Technical Resources | Aprons and Gear Cleaning Prior to Rest Breaks at Meat Slaughterhouses |
Technical Brief 10-01-Appendix 1 Examples of acceptable aprons | Technical Resources | Aprons and Gear Cleaning Prior to Rest Breaks at Meat Slaughterhouses |
Technical Briefs 08-17 to 10-05 | Technical Resources | Technical Brief 10-05 |
Technical Briefs 08-17 to 09-12 | Technical Resources | Technical Brief 09-12 |
Technical Brief 09-09 Bobby Calves with no tags | Technical Resources | Bobby Calves with no tags |
Technical Brief 09-08 Procedures for cattle identified with cysticercosis | Technical Resources | Procedures for cattle identified with cysticercosis |
Technical Brief 09-07 Meat monitoring programme | Technical Resources | Meat monitoring programme |
Technical Brief 09-06 Investigating E. coli O157:H7 False Positives Research | Technical Resources | Investigating E. coli O157:H7 False Positives Research |
Technical Brief 09-05 FAQs US Meat HACCP | Technical Resources | FAQs US Meat HACCP |
Technical Brief 09-04 Transition to new PFV ceiling frequencies | Technical Resources | Transition to new PFV ceiling frequencies |
Technical Brief 09-03 Revoked and changes incorporated into USA OMAR Amendment 3 | Technical Resources | Revoked and changes incorporated into USA OMAR Amendment 3 |
Technical Brief 09-02 Notification of Overseas Rejections of Animal Products for Non-Compliance | Technical Resources | Notification of Overseas Rejections of Animal Products for Non-Compliance |
Technical Brief 09-01 Mexico: Product Labelling Details | Technical Resources | Mexico: Product Labelling Details |
Technical Brief 09-12-esrt-guidelines | Technical Resources | FSIS Self Reporting Tool (SRT) – Establishments: Guidelines |
Technical Brief 09-10-spray-chilling-faqs | Technical Resources | Spray Chilling Frequently Asked Questions |
Technical Brief 09-09-example-Impus | Technical Resources | Example of how NZFSA will accept the filling in of the Landowner / Manager Poison Use Statement when bait stations are used |