All members
At MIA our role is to pursue the interests of members, with a clear focus to grow the volume and value of New Zealand’s sheep and beef exports.
It is this clarity of purpose that has attracted significant interest from industry, and MIA now represents 99 percent of processors, exporters, and marketers. In turn, our ability to deliver on our purpose relies on our ability to engage with our members, ensuring that we bring operational understanding and real world outcomes when engaging in policy debates.
At MIA we regularly publish a range of governance documents, reports, and exclusive content for our members (and their staff) via Microsoft Teams. If you are an MIA member, and would like to access this information, please email info@mia.co.nz to request a logon.
All members are listed alphabetically.
Abattoirs Association of New Zealand
Ground Floor
Air New Zealand Building
Cnr Taharoto and Northcote Roads
P: +64 9 489 0874
E: pippa@rmnz.co.nz
Advance Marketing Limited
2/27 Bath Street
PO Box 37-160
Auckland 1151
P: +64 9 307 3115
E: advance@advancemarketing.co.nz
W: www.advancemarketing.co.nz
AFFCO New Zealand Limited
(Exporter, Processor, Renderer)
6128 Great South Road
Private Bag 3301
Hamilton 3240
P: +64 7 829 2888
E: sales@affco.co.nz
W: www.affco.co.nz
Agresearch Limited
19 Ellesmere Junction Road
Lincoln 7646
Private Bag 4749
Christchurch 8140
P: +64 3 321 880
W: www.agresearch.co.nz
Alfa Laval New Zealand Limited
307 Sandwich Rd
Hamilton 3200
P: +64 7 849 6025
E: newzealand.info@alfalaval.com
W: www.alfallaval.co.nz
Alliance Group Limited
(Exporter, Processor, Renderer)
15 Don Street
Invercargill 9810
P: +64 3 214 2700
E: communications@alliance.co.nz
W: www.alliance.co.nz
Americold New Zealand Limited
27 Dalgety Drive
Auckland 2104
P: +64 21 484 454
E: steve.spencer@americold.com
W: www.americold.co.nz
Ample Group Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
PO Box 193
Stratford 4352
P: +64 6 765 6617
E: info@amplegroup.nz
W: www.amplegroup.nz
ANZCO Foods Limited
(Exporter, Processor, Renderer)
5 Robin Mann Place
Christchurch 8053
P: +64 3 358 2200
E: info@anzcofoods.com
W: www.anzcofoods.com
AON New Zealand Limited
Level 3
1 Willis Street
Wellington 6140
P: +64 4 819 4000
W: www.aon.co.nz
Ashburton Meat Processors Limited
170 Bridge St
Ashburton 7772
P: +64 3 308 2019
E: admin@ab32.co.nz
Auckland Meat Processors Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
851 Great South Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1060
P: +64 9 276 0900
E: info@hellaby.co.nz
W: www.wilsonhellaby.co.nz
AusPac Ingredients Pty Limited
Unit 1
84-92 Barnes Street
Tamworth NSW 2340
P: +61 2 6762 7708
E: info@auspacingredients.com.au
W: www.auspacingredients.com.au
Ballande New Zealand Ltd
Level 6, 128 Broadway
Auckland 1023
P: + 64 9 638 9921
E: contacts@ballande.co.nz
W: www.ballande.co.nz
Bellmor Engineering Limited T/A G-Tech NZ Limited
21 Empire Road
Christchurch 8083
P: +64 3 323 6151
E: sales@gtechnz.com
W: www.gtech.global
Black Origin Meat Processors (Gore) Limited
73 River Street,
P: +64 27 203 5283
E: matthew.ferguson@bomp.co.nz
Blue Sky Meats (New Zealand) Limited
(Exporter, Processor, Renderer)
Morton Mains
No 1 RD
P: +64 3 231 3421
E: info@bluesky.co.nz
W: www.bluesky.co.nz
CentrePort Limited
Shed 39
2 Fryatt Quay
Wellington 6011
P: +64 4 495 3800
E: customerservices@centreport.co.nz
W: www.centreport.co.nz
CMA CGM Group Agencies (New Zealand) Limited
L2 32-34 Mahuhu Crescent
Auckland 1010
P: +64 9 366 2899
E: NZL.service@cma-cgm.com
W: www.cma-cgm.com
Columbia Exports Limited
22 Anzac Ave
Auckland 1010
P: +64 9 379 7161
E: office@columbiaexports.co.nz
CoolTranz 2014 Limited
24 Quadrant Drive
Christchurch 8042
P: +64 21 826 384
E: info@cooltranz.co.nz
W: www.cooltranz.co.nz
Crusader Meats New Zealand Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
979 State Highway 30
Benneydale 3987
P: +64 7 878 7077
W: www.crusadermeats.co.nz
Davmet New Zealand (2020) Limited
74 Station Street
Napier South
Napier 4110
P: +64 6 835 8288
W: www.davmet.co.nz
Farmlands Mathias International Limited
42 Sir Woolf Fisher Drive
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013
P: +64 9 303 5820
W: www.farmlandsmathias.com
Fern Ridge Limited
PO Box 8948
Havelock North 4157
P: +64 6 834 3888
E: enquiries@fernridge.nz
W: www.fernridge.co.nz
First Light Farms
Unit 2B 15 Joll Rd
Havelock North
Po Box 8661
Havelock North 4157
P: +64 6 878 2712
W: www.firstlight.farm/nz
Garra International Limited
Level 1, 47 Mandeville Street
P: 03 357 0055
E: nz@garrainternational.com
W: www.garrainternational.com
Global Life Sciences Solutions NZ Limited, T/A Cytiva
PO Box 658
Tauranga 3144
P: 07 548 0225
E: justin.wilson@cytiva.com
W: www.cytivalifesciences.com
GrainCorp Commodity Management NZ Limited
92-98 Harris Road
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013
P: +64 9 273 7745
E: lizwright@graincorp.co.nz
W: www.graincorp.com.au
Greenlea Premier Meats Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
Greenlea Lane
Hamilton 3204
P: +64 7 957 8125
E: admin@greenlea.co.nz
W: www.greenlea.co.nz
Haarslev Industries Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
106E Bush Road
Auckland 0632
P: + 64 9 414 1296
E: hha@haarslev.com
W: www.haarslev.com
Hapag Lloyd (New Zealand) Limited
5-7 Byron Avenue
Auckland 0622
P: +64 800 488 336
E: newzealand@service.hlag.com
W: www.hapag-lloyd.com
Harrier Exports Limited
14 Donnelly Street
Havelock North
Hastings 4130
P: +64 9 369 5475
E: enquiry@harrier.co.nz
W: www.harrierexports.co.nz
Integrated Foods Limited
266 Childers Rd
Gisborne 4010
P: +64 6 869 1330
E: infoweb@iflgroup.co
W: www.iflgroup.co
301 Plantation Road
LA 70123
P: +64 9 920 0025
E: anz@intralox.com
W: www.intralox.com
Kemin Industries NZ Limited
8 Marsden Bay Drive
One Tree Point
Auckland 0118
P: +64 9 945 4929
E: michael.stobart@kemin.com
W: www.kemin.com
Kereru Foods Limited
209 Karamu Road
Hastings 4122
P: 027 447 3076
E: alex@kererufoods.com
W: www.kererufoods.com
Kintyre Meats
530 Gladstone Road
Carterton 5792
P: +64 6 372 7891
E: office@cabernet.co.nz
W: www.cabernet.co.nz
Liquistore (HB) Limited
PO Box 12 108
Napier 4144
1 Breakwater Road
Port of Napier
P: +64 6 835 4705
E: damian@liqueohb.co.nz
W: www.scalescorporation.co.nz/liqueo-bulkstorage-limited
Lowe Corporation Limited
(Exporter, Renderer)
499 Coventry Road
Hastings 4120
New Zealand
P: +64 6 872 7700
E: acb@lowecorp.co.nz
W: www.lowecorp.co.nz
Maersk New Zealand Limited
Level 36, The CPO
12 Queen Street
Auckland 1142
P: 0800 MAERSK
E: nezsalins@maersk.com
W: www.maerskline.com
MJI Universal Pte Limited
133 Cecil Street
11-01 A/B Keck Seng Tower
Singapore 069535
P: +65 6220 6676
E: info@mjiuniversal.com
W: www.mjiuniversal.com
Moda systems New Zealand Limited
23-38 Andrew Baxter Drive
Auckland 2022
P: +64 9 527 7167
W: www.modanz.com
Oceanic Navigation Limited
Oceanic House
272Parnell Road
Auckland 1052
P: +64 9 377 1165
E: commercial@oceanic.co.nz
W: www.oceanic.co.nz
Ovation New Zealand Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
1st Floor
210 Maraekakaho Road
Hastings 4153
P: +64 6 858 6390
E: accounts@ovation.co.nz
W: www.ovation.co.nz
Peak Commodities Limited
499 Coventry Road
Hawke’s Bay
E: michael@peakcom.nz
W: www.peakcommodities.nz
Port of Napier
Breakwater Road
P: +64 6 833 4440
E: info@napierport.co.nz
W: www.napierport.co.nz
Prime Range Meats Limited
(Exporter, Processor, Renderer)
1 Sussex St
West Plains
Invercargill 9810
P: +64 3 215 9079
E: info@primerange.co.nz
W: www.primerange.co.nz
PrimeXConnect (acquired by Nui Markets)
Level 6
5-7 Kingdon St
Auckland 1023
E: support@nuimarkets.com
W: www.nuimarkets.com
Progressive Meats Ltd
(Exporter, Processor)
118 Kelfield Place
PO Box 36
Hastings 4156
P: +64 6 873 9090
E: info@progressivemeats.co.nz
W: www.progressivemeats.co.nz
PVL Proteins Ltd
(Exporter, Renderer)
851 Great South Road
P: +64 9 270 1624
E: karle@auckmeat.co.nz
Pyramid Trucking Ltd
7 Stanley Avenue
Te Aroha
P: +64 9 277 7885
E: office@pyramidtrucking.co.nz
W: www.pyramidtrucking.co.nz
Rendertech Ltd
2/110 Mays Rd
Onehunga 1061
P: +64 9 634 5375
E: enquiries@rendertech.co.nz
W: www.rendertech.co.nz
Rockwell Automation (NZ) Limited
PO Box 14047
Auckland 1741
2B Pacific Rise
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1060
P: +64 9 276 3070
E: swdoherty@ra.rockwell.com
W: www.rockwellautomation.com
SBT Group Limited
(Exporter, Renderer)
57 Kohiti Rd
Hawera 4610
P: +64 6 278 2070
E: suehacket@sbt.group.co.nz
SCL Products Limited
PO Box 45202
Te Atatu
14 Charam Place
P: +64 9 828 7080
E: davew@scl.co.nz
Scott Technology Ltd
630 Kaikorai Valley Road
Dunedin 9054
P: +64 3 478 8110
W: www.scottautomation.com
Sealed Air (New Zealand) – Cryovac Division
Prosser Street
Porirua 5022
P: +64 4 237 6069
W: www.sealedair.com
SHICO Limited
PO Box 99074
Auckland 1023
P: +64 21 258 3934
E: l.shi@shico.co.nz
Silver Fern Farms Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
283 Princes Street
PO Box 941
Dunedin 9054
P: +64 0800 362 362
W: www.silverfernfarms.com
Standard Commodities NZ Limited
PO Box 17-681
P: +64 29 779 0242
E: craig@stancom.co.nz
W: stancom.com.au
Taylor Preston Limited
(Exporter, Processor, Renderer)
131 Centennial Highway
Ngauranga Gorge
Wellington 6035
P: +64 4 472 7987
E: info@taylorpreston.co.nz
W: taylorpreston.co.nz
Te Kuiti Meat Processors Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
Ahuroa Road
Te Kuiti 3941
P: +64 7 878 6045
E: info@tkmeats.co.nz
W: tkmeats.co.nz
UBP Limited
(Exporter, Processor)
18 Waitete Road
PO Box 408
Te Kuiti 3941
P: +64 7 878 8926
W: ubp.co.nz
Value Proteins Limited
(Exporter, Renderer)
PO Bag 611
Greymouth 7840
189 Heaphy Road
Lake Haupiri
P: +64 3 738 0257
E: selwyn@gloriavale.co.nz
Visy Industries Australia Pty Limited
Level 11, 2 Southbank Blvd
Southbank 3006
P: +61 41 587 9814
E: sean.meneaud@visy.com.au
W: visy.com.au
Waimarie Meats LP
(Exporter, Processor)
10 Young Street
New Plymouth
P: +64 6 281 3871
Wallace Group LP
Wood Road
P: +64 7 887 0300
Wilbur-Ellis NZ Limited
49 Kelvin Street
P: +64 3 218 1844
E: rtait@wilburellis.com
W: wilburellis.com
Wiley NZ Limited
2/106 George Street
Dunedin 9016
P: +64 3 218 1844
E: peter.thomson@wiley.nz
W: wiley.com.au
Wilmar Trading (Australia) Pty Limited
1/18 Rostrevor Street
P: +64 21 803 955

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