MIA supports ETS, Pastoral Sector Group decision

The Meat Industry Association has welcomed the Government’s decision to keep agriculture out of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and the establishment of a new Pastoral Sector Group to constructively tackle on-farm greenhouse gas reduction.

The red meat industry also welcomed the pragmatic decision to remove the processor backstop, an overly blunt tool that would tax the industry as a whole as opposed to rewarding farmers for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“New Zealand’s livestock farmers are already among the most sustainable in the world. We need to double down on this significant head start in the fight against climate change by collectively investing in mitigation technologies and reducing the red tape preventing their use in New Zealand,” said MIA Chair Nathan Guy.

In addition to focussing on emerging technology and an appropriately enabling regulatory environment, Mr Guy noted that the Pastoral Sector Group will also need to work on measurement and reporting.

“As a trading nation we need to move in step with our export markets if we are to retain and grow access. The signals processors are seeing suggest we need to strengthen our agricultural emissions measurement, reporting and management framework to do this,” said Mr Guy.

“Fortunately, the new group means we have the right people around the table to work through these issues in a considered and market-led manner.”